Monday, October 5, 2009

The Country Needs MOAR IIDX!

I sent Timezone mail about for an IIDX upgrade a couple of weeks back. Finally, I got word back:

This fucking sucks. But not much, since they're "willing" to go with Technika.

Hi Nayou,
This is in response to the inquiry you sent to us through our website regarding the Beatmania machines. We regret to inform you that unfortunately, our Beatmania IIDX unit performed very poorly (comparatively speaking) and hence we can’t justify bringing in a newer version of this type of game. We would rather invest in DJ Max units.
Hope to see you again in our stores. Thank you and have a nice day ahead!

Warm Regards,
Nedz Manangan
LAI Phils., Inc. (Timezone)

..being an IIDX player in the philippines sure is hard... Then again, there are more "ways" to play beatmania than to play DJMax, if you know what I mean. :)

Anyways, Nedz Manangan's gotta be gay. Look at that ending remark. It's in fucking pink!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Haberday, kliff!

Let's greet Kliff Deuna a.k.a blacksymbian/metakliff a


Isang taon nalang, legal na. >:)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tatsh and Touhou

Tatsh is making Touhou Music NAO!

01Introduction MusicCrystal at FAR EAST1:01
04Compressed power3:43
07CYBER Sparks4:06
Disc length 41:12

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

時をかける少女 (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time)

Extremely Epic Movie. Watch. No time to say much.. Gotta Cram.




Friday, August 7, 2009

Strongest PSP.

I am the proud owner of the Strongest PSP.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Kweh. That "ako mismo" thing is kinda annoying..

I mean seriously. Just do what you want to do. We get the point. Just fucking do it. What's the point in repeating that line anyway? If you wanna do something, just fucking do it already.


The country needs changes. The last thing we need is you saying "ako mismo" and just showing off that retarded dog-tag. Just fucking do it already.. Aho.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Okay, So my PSP's memory stick got corrupted. It's still working, but can't handle too much data.
Completely bored, I decided to re-play Final Fantasy VI (FFIII in the US).

this is the 3rd time I played this game, and I gotta say. This is the best Final Fantasy game there is. Fuck square for pampering Cloud and Final Fantasy VII. But if you're a real Final Fantasy Fan like me, you won't say no to an epic remake for this epic game.

FFVI Review by GT

And if you haven't played FFVI already.. Shame on you.. Really.. (Even GT agrees.)

Right now, I'm trying to collect all the espers.. I'm playing the PSX version so Cactuar, Diablos and etc aren't included. I might download a GBA emulator and do another replay if I feel like it.
Plus, I'm downloading FFIII and IV remakes for the DS (including a DS emulator, 'cuz if it wasn't for these Final Fantasy games, I'd say the DS isn't worth your purchase)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kyon-kun!

An effin warm HABERDAY to our very own Milliconia/Kyon! He just turned 18 today! Ya-ha!

Heh. "Kampai" na yan!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Terra Branford Tribute

I would like to take this opportunity (which means post) to tell the world..

..How much I lablab Terra/Tina Branford

..and how effin mainstream Rinoa and Tifa is.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sad are the people..

Sad are the people who download 8GB games and delete them afterwards..

I just downloaded an HDD (which is illegal) copy of IIDX16: Empress.. An 8 GB file. Considering how fucking slow my internet is, it took
me a week to complete the download..

this screenshot was taken 3 days before I finished downloading the whole thing..

Before I get on with this stuff, lemme tell you a couple of "Torrenting techniques" I came up with.

1. Hibernate mode.

My sister comes home late.. My PC curfew (yes.. I have one.. Sucks, right?) is no later than 9pm. So it's PC Off by that time.. I set my pc on hibernate while my torrent is running. That way, when my sister logs in using HER account, my account stays logged in so my download continues :3

2. Teamviewer mode.

There are a couple of dead hours here at home. Dead hours are when no one's home.
I run teamviewer and leave my pc to download stuff. Well, I value my life, so I can't leave it on (well I can. But I can't let them know) With teamviewer, I have full shutdown/standby control over my pc even when I'm at school. Pretty clever, huh?

With all that shit being said, let's go back to the idea.

So when my Empress download reached 95%, a thought came to me.

"will my crappy pc handle this?"

My pc's Specs. General tab:

Video Tab:

Full Image here:

I mean, srsly. Are there any "vintage pc contests" out there?

Then the big day came..

99.8%. I was like waiting for a watched kettle to boil. Not a single KB was transfered without my eyes burning its transfer rate.

And alas..

It didn't work..

So 1week worth of download went straight to the recycle bin.. Now demonoid's going to effing hit me for leeching. =.=

Friday, July 10, 2009

Maria-sama ga Miteru

Me is watching my first Yuri anime. lols.

I kinda grew tired with my typical genre (which was Ecchi, Romance, Ecchi, Comedy, Spice of Life, School life and did I mention Ecchi?)

Once again, I just started watching a while ago. Bump/Edit once I finish.

Nothing to post. No clue what the story's like (I am NOT PEEKING AT WIKI)


Thursday, July 9, 2009

What 2DX Can Do to You

Okay, I've been quite busy with school/skipping school/Anime and 2DX that I don't have time blogging. The gods of blogging taught me a lesson..

Yes.. Ittai.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gaga in Manila

"Lady Gaga Live in Manila"

An excuse to cuss someone onstage without anyone raising an eyebrow at you.

"Gaga! Gaga! Gaga! Gaga!"

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ruelz of teh Intornetz

LOL. I found this while doing my regular bum-googling.


i. You can't the square root of a negative integer.

-8. combo breaker i am the combo breaker. the combo breaker is the law and the law is the law so who say you? combo breaker or combo breaker? combo breaker combo! breaker! combo breaker! so its now or never!

-7. /b/ is not your friend. No exceptions.


-5. No moar negative rules.

-4. Rule 210 must be followed or you are breaking rule 100. No exceptions.

-3. Every rule above 100 must be followed. No exceptions.

-2. Never cuss any canadians apart from Tico135.

-1. Rule 0 does not exist.

0. There are no rules after 0.

1. Do not talk about /b/

2. Do NOT talk about /b/

2.1337. You can't edit rule 2, newfags. 2.13337. By editing rule 2 you will never have sex in your life. EVER. No exceptions.

3. We are Anonymous.

3.141592653589793238462643383279502... . Expect us.

4. Anonymous is legion.

5. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget.

6. Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.

7. Anonymous is still able to deliver.

8. There are no real rules about posting.

9. There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.

10. If you enjoy any rival sites — DON'T.

11. All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored.

12. Anything you say can and will be used against you.

13. Anything you say can be turned into something else. - fixed

14. Do not argue with trolls — it means that they win.

15. The harder you try, the harder you will fail.

16. If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.

17. Every win fails eventually.

18. Everything that can be labeled, can be hated.

19. The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

20. Nothing is to be taken seriously.

21. Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old.

22. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.

23. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.

24. Every repost is always a repost of a repost.

25. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post.

26. Any topic can be turned into something totally unrelated.

27. Always question a person's sexual preferences without any real reason.

28. Always question a person's gender - just in case it's really a man.

29. On the internet, all girls are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents.

30. There are NO girls on the internet.

31. TITS or GTFO - the choice is yours.

32. You must have pictures to prove your statements.

33. Lurk moar — it's never enough.

34. There is porn of it, no exceptions.

35. If no porn is found of it, it will be made.

36. There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw.

37. You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so).

38. No real limits of any kind apply here — not even the sky



41. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.

42. Nothing is Sacred.

43. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.

44. Even one positive comment about Japanese things can make you a weeaboo.

45. When one sees a lion, one must get into the car

46. There is furry porn of it. No exceptions.

47. The pool is always closed due to AIDS (and stingrays, which also have AIDS).

48. A cat is fine too.

49. One cat leads to another.

50. Another cat leads to Zippo Cat.

51. No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish. No exceptions.

52. It is delicious cake. You must eat it.

53. It is delicious trap. You must hit it.

54. /b/ sucks today.

55. If you have time to make up new rules, you have no life.

56. They will not bring back Snacks.

57. You will never have sex.

58. It needs more Desu. No exceptions.

59. Fuck Gaston.

60. It needs more pumpkin. No exceptions.

61. Chuck Norris is the exception to Rule #63, no exceptions or else.

62. Everything has been cracked and pirated.

63. There are female versions of all male characters. No Exceptions.

64. If you /r/ it and Popcorn Mariachi!9i78bPeIxI does not have it, become an hero.

65. Anonymous is not your personal army.

66. The cake is a lie.

67. Anonymous does not "buy", he downloads.

68. Milhouse will never be a meme. Ever. No matter what your post ends with. No exceptions. Ever. No.


70. Do not talk about the 100M GET failure.


72. Chuck Norris is your father. No exceptions.

73. If there isn't enough just ask for Moar.

74. If you post it, they will cum.

75. Rule 75 is a lie.goddamn windows

76. Twinkies are the answers to life's problems.

77. The internet makes you stupid.

78. It will always need moar sauce.

79. Ceilingcat IS watching you masturbate

80. Ebaums did it. No exceptions.

81. Anonymous is a virgin by default.

82. Nobody tells the truth on the Internet

83. Only clusterfucks start edit wars.

84. All rules aren't true, including this one.

84-B. Sub-rules are forbidden.

85. Rules 1, 2, 34, and 35 are exeptions to rule 84.

86. The term "sage" does not refer to the spice.

87. If you say Candlejack, you w

88. Anonymous rules the internet. No exceptions.

89. Mitchell Henderson was an hero to us all.

90. It's never lupus.

91. There is gay porn of it, no exceptions.

92. Chuck Norris is the exception to rule 91. No exceptions.

93. Go fuck yourself.


95. Anonymous did NOT, under any circumstances, tk him 2da bar|?

96. If you express astonishment at someone's claim, it is most likely just a clever ruse.

97. The government, The CIA, Everything is a lie.

98. Only Zippocat is truth.

99. All numbers are at least 100 but always OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND.

100. Faggotry will not be tolerated.

101. You are never THE BEST suck at anyeverything, deal with it.

102. You are made of fail and AIDS.

103. That's not mud.

104. The internet is for porn.


106. Rule 109 is true.

107. "That's what she said" jokes are stupid


109. Rule 106 is false.

110. If your statement is preceded by "HAY GUYZ", then you're doing something wrong.

111. If you cannot understand it, it is machine code.

112. What you click isn't always what you get.

113. Gamestop does NOT have Battletoads. But ask anyway.

114. Secure tripcodes are for jerks.

115. If someone herd u liek Mudkipz, deny it constantly for the lulz.

116. Combo breakers are inevitable. If the combo is completed successfully, it is gay.

117. Always go out of your way to make newbies feel uncomfortable.

118. Newfags must be tortured to death. No exceptions.

119. Only newfags like caturday, Chuck Norris, and Desu fuck with The Rules.

120. Nobody likes you.

121. Co$ is the sworn enemy of Anonymous. It must be stopped.

122. There is NO God here (Except Chuck Norris).

123. 456789

124. When Anonymous is surprised, bricks must be shat.

125. If you have no bricks to shit, you are made of fail and AIDS.

126. shaMTV must give Rick his award. No exceptions.

127. No NewFaggots aloud.

128. Everything you know is a lie, but all those lies are nothing. So by using the transitive property we can conclude that everything = nothing and if you add an integer (x) into the equation we can single anything out and turn it into a certain amount of nothing explained by this graph e = everything n = nothing

As you can see, at a certain point of everything, nothing cannot exist. So in conclusion, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

129. BOTS will be dismantled.

130. Internet = Very Scary

131. Whatever it is, pie is involved in some form. No exceptions.

132. If it can't be killed, it doesn't exist. (Except Chuck Norris) No other exceptions.

133. If you met your girlfriend/boyfriend online then you are dating a one armed lady hooker named Steve.(Unless there is webcam involved, then his name is John.)

134. If it talks, you must shut it up.

135. Myspace is for thirteen year old girls and people who fit the description of Rule # 133.

136. _uck _ou_self solve it.

137. Tuck yourself in. Is the answer.

138. Rule 139 does/will not exist.

139. Rule 138 is true.

140. XKCD can explain everything. explain it or it goes.

141. Godmoding is retarded. Seriously just accept your death.

142. Just ignore him he will think you're afk.

143. If you ignore her, she will bitch.

144. People can't understand sarcasm.

145. If you take it seriously gtfo.

146. Stop giving the mic a blowjob.

147. Regardless, if you get pissed on teamspeak there is someone that has muted themselves just so they can laugh at you.

148. You don't get any cookies. No exceptions. So don't even ask.

149. Brandon is God's son, making him Jesus. Chuck Norris has no son.

150. You are not going to get a handicap so don't even ask. They will just target you.

151. You will not get a free Xbox 360/Playstation 3/iPhone so don't even get your hopes up.

152. They didn't call you retarded but they were thinking it.

153. It's funny to pick on people's grammar no matter how good it is. No exceptions.

154. The louder you scream at people the harder someone else will laugh.

155. They don't have hacks, you just suck really bad.

156. If u want to know who anonymous is then GTFO!

157. Someone already did it better. No exceptions.

158. It was in an episode of South Park. No exceptions.

159. The more you deny something the more they are going to say that you are "something".

160. Google ftw. No exceptions.

161. The guy next to you in the library is always looking at what you are saying.

162. The girl next to you in the library couldn't give a shit.

163. There's a reason- you know what? Fuck it. If you can't figure it out, you seriously need to LURK MOAR.

164. Refer to step 2 on Rule #165.

165. Refer to step 3 on Rule #93.

166. People who get depressed on the internet need a better use of time.

167. Fleshlights are the answers to life's problems. No exceptions.

168. If you pretend that you are drunk people will just think you're retarded because no one can act drunk on the internet.

169? Nah I'll have 2 69s.

170. None of us is as cruel as all of us.

171. At any given moment, more birds could join, leave, or peel off in another direction entirely.

172. Use inside jokes moar. It upsets users.

173. STFU! Before i go chris brown on you!

174. Only 4chan'rs unsuspecting victims hate Rick Astley.

175. The talk page is for spam. Don't go there.

176. Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks children with the last name of Edgerton.

177. Tropicana tastes like the rainbow. No exceptions

178. Shadow sticks are fun to play with in the dark. Unless there are more than 3.

179. Refer to all unwritten rules. No exceptions.

180. For every life the internet improves it destroys 10 others.

181. Anything that's good is a virus.

182. We better start helping the earth, otherwise Al Gore will take back the internets!!! NO MORE BROADBAND! NO DIALUP!

183. If i have 3 cakes and you have one cake, only here you have no cake and I have 3 ps3's

184. The only potty training videos allowed are ones that feature tigers and are japanese in nature (english subtitles are acceptable)

185. The Internet and Golf are quite similar they both were invented for men to get away from woman, except the internet has porn.

186. This is Blasphemy. This is Madness.

187. If you think you are the meister, you're lying to yourself. JMW, JMO, JEO, JEE, and JME are teh Lords & Meisters. So all your bass r belong to us!

188. If none of these rules are followed/obliged to then Chuck Norris will roundhouse kick you to Mars.

189. Bukake is not cool. Never was. Never will be. EVER!!

190. The only good hentai is yuri, thats how the internet works.

191. You will always forget to add an attachment to your e-mails.

192. If you break rule 1 and 2. You will be rickroll'd in hell.

193. If you break rule 192. You will be spanked by Chuck Norris. In heaven. No exceptions.

194. If you break rule 2, Chuck Norris will tickle your pubes.

195. People called Fred are just epic. No Exceptions.

196. People named Tony are just win. No Exceptions.

197. People named Matty are just sexy. No and I mean no Exceptions.

198. If it's not on Google, It doesn't exist. No Exceptions.

199. "???? PROFIT!" must always be at the bottom, newfags.

200. Pictures or it didn't happen.

201. Maths in failing:

Win + Fail = Epicfail Fail + Fail = Win Win + Win = Fail Epicfail + Epicfail = Chuck Norris 

No exceptions


203. If you run out of cookies, give apples, If you run out of apples, Give Spam. No exceptions.

204. People named Kevin are queer, People called "Z 0 D I A C" Are also queer. Please throw rocks at them, Unless Kevin knows what 8 X Pi Is. NO EXCEPTIONS.

205. Americans are fat. No exceptions (except for Dave)

206. Any breaking of pi will result in pi being broken. No one knows the consequenses. You have been warned.

207. Rules 1 and 2 are false. From now on, all rules must be about /b/. Unless they aren't.

208. Rules 1, 2 and 206 are false. /b/ does not exist.

209. See rule 209.

210. See rule 208.

211. srt8 must not marry MITB. No exceptions.

212. 4chan sucks. No exceptions.

213. Your mother is behind you. No exceptions, unless she isn't.

214. In case of an emergency, your emergency exit can be found in the top right corner of your screen. No, and i promise you, NO exceptions.

215. Rule 213 is false. Do not click that button.

216. 3, is the magic number.... 3, is the magic number.... NO EXCEPTIONS!

217. Creator of 4chan is gay. No exceptions.

218. Porn must only be looked at when porn is needed.

219. Google is not a calculator



222. Matt has a girlfriend. No Exceptions

223. Only faggots post rules above "PROFIT!". No Exceptions.

224. All rules above "PROFIT!" don't count. No Exceptions.

225. The Simpsons already did it. South Park already did it better. NO EXCEPTIONS

226. If a statement may be taken sexually in any way, then she already said it. No exceptions.

227. Creed is the worst band in the world. No exceptions

228. None of these rules apply to this wiki. No exceptions.

229. You never see the porn first, even if you made or drew it. No exceptions.

230. If it exists, there is Touhou fanart of it. No exceptions.

231. The number of friends you have on facebook does not indicate the number of friends you have in reallife. No exceptions.


233. There's always a rapist behind you. No exceptions.

234. You cannot control the person in charge. No exceptions.

235. The person in charge only wants to make your life miserable. No exceptions.

236. Eat the bagel!

237. Edward Cullen is a fag. No exceptions.

238. Only hardcore gamers buy computers without RAM

239. If you cant triforce then you are a newfag. And if you brag that you are not a newfag because you can triforce, you are still a newfag. The same thing goes for zalgo towers and green text. No exceptions.


241. There will always be one rule that somebody left out. No exceptions.

242. Only niggers like watermelon. No exceptions.

243. The 90's didnt exist.

244. It's not possible to understand it, and when you do understand it, then it's even worse.


246. Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. No exceptions.

247. Never gonna tell a lie, never gonan say goodbye, never gonna cross the line and hurt you. No exceptions.

248. By the time you are taking a shit every thread you're interested in 404's.

249. People on the internet do NOT know how to use apostrophe`s.

250. Anything can be a meme.

251. Rule 250 divided by 0

252. This is a showdown, a throwdown, hell no I can't slow down, it's gonna go.

253. If it hadn't been for Cotton Eyed Joe, Anonymous would have been married a long time ago.

254. One does not simply shoop da whoop into a mordor

255. Mods are fucking fags. No exceptions.

256. The cuter and more innocent it is, the more fun it is to currupt it.

257. I am a huge faggot. Please rape my face.

258. As the amount of time a person spends on the internet increases, the probability of that person learning about the sexual behavior (and in particular, penises) of species other than humans increases to 1.

259. The game. You just lost it.

260. The stuff under the sink is for drinking ONLY. NO EXCPETIONS.

261. /b/ is the devil's lair, no exceptions.

262. Azn people cant read well enough to type on here.

263. TENTACLE RAPE. ENJOY IT MOAR THAN 232. No exceptions.

264. Moot has cat ears, even in real life. No exceptions.

265. All Caturday threads will be bombarded with Zippocat. No exceptions.

266. That's not mud.

267. The interwebs is for cats only

268. The government is a lie.

269! three 69's. mmmm

270. The CIA is a lie

271. If it is merely amazing, it can never be OMIGOSH!

272. Anonymous rules the internet. No exceptions.

273. Be afraid of Allah. Wherever you are..

274. ;_;

275. ????

276. PROFIT!

299. This is blasphemy, this is madness. No exceptions

300. 299 is a lie. This is sparta. No exceptions.

666. Humanity is evil. No exceptions.

9001. It's over 9000. No exceptions.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Craving for SigSig.

No, it's not that food with loads of cholesterol.
It's IIDX Happy Sky's SigSig by Kors K. Really catchy song, So I notecharted it.

Chart Video:

DL Link:

Password is "happysky"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

[VSO] DJ.Dolce - Fascination MAXX AAA

Well, since I'm busy with school, beatmania and stuff. I won't be able to update mah blog with REAL blog posts for a while. But Im'a post random stuff from time to time. Just to keep you ripe.


All hail Dolce!

I'll pawn this guy.. Someday.. Someday.. Some-zzzzzz...

Monday, June 22, 2009

O2jam - Super Driver (Haruhi Season 2 OP)

BunBunMaru's 2nd Project. We fell in love with the 3rd Haruhi OP, So we decided to notechart it. XD

(Note: 3rd. The first one was "The Adventures of Asahina Mikuru" Then "Bouken Desho Desho". Just so you know.)

So far, the song's only in hard mode. We're planning on making this song a tri-level notechart. Kind of a first for us (i think)

Download link will be posted when we finish the whole thing.. Or maybe NEVER >:)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Top Anime Songs for 2009

K-On Owned the Rankings! Hurray~
Mami Kawada's new song is in it, too. Not to mention YUI. Pretty decent turnout. :3

Thursday, June 18, 2009


So school last tuesday. My schedule was okay. 10:30am to 12:00am. Yep. Pretty Decent. :D

So I woke up at 8, left for school somewhere around 9. Pretty excited I was. Finally.


I arrived just in time. 10:23am, I guess. But the professor was nowhere to be found. Cool. Late Profs. Typical.

Then our schedule changed. It got moved from 10:30 to 1:30pm. WTF!? So we waited.




1:30pm came. And still no professors in goody looking suits in sight.

3pm. Nope. Nothing...

First day of school, eh?

School sucks.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blog Update 1

BG Image Removed

Reason: Too Random :P


Me ish watching K-ON!

Story starts out with a "don't-mind-the-world-let's-eat" girl named Yui (wow Yui! :3) who just started out High School. But became pretty troubled because she's not sure what High School Club she wants to join (and she's scared of being club-less because she thought being club-less means you're pretty much a NEET. LOL)

Meanwhile, a "don't-mind-the-world-let's-form-a-band" girl (forgot her name) and her friends were a member/guitarist short from forming a band. They met Yui who doesn't know shit about guitars and forc-er-asked her to join.

The next time I look for a guitarist, I'll make sure I have cookies and tea with me. XD

Ima Finish the anime first, then Im'a bump/edit this post :3


Monday, June 15, 2009

Haruiro Ouse

My 2nd D.Sim (My first was To Heart) and 2nd Eroge Game (My 1st was the oh so retarded, Bible Black.) Haruiro Ouse is your typical Hentai-Game. You play the guy (duh?) who struggles to fall in love. Meets a number of fine young ladies, have intercourse with all of 'em and STILL find it hard to actually fall. Yes.. Typical.

I still haven't finished it yet, but I guess apart from being that typical, Haruiro Ouse can still make it to your "FAVES" List. It made mine.


1. The Art is AMAZING. This is my first Purple Software er.. Software. And I WILL be getting more from them.. I mean.. Just look at these:

2. I did say it was your typical H-Game. But the scenarios make up for it. I love scenario gaming. Even in movies. I guess the only time I hate scenarios is when I'm sleeping. My cat makes a move on my fave sneakers. It's all.. Paw-y now. =.=

3. The Opening Song is wonderful:

The Quality sucks. But that's the best I could come up with.

Well anyways. I know some of you are more interested in fapping rather than actually playing these stuff. So I provided a download link for the screenshots.

Password: erogeisgood


P.S. Say, Should I enable the "Adult Content Warning" Feature?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

NintendoCore Invades O2Jam

Yey~ Mah Internet's working nao! :3

Anyways, Basically, being net-less bored the shit outta me. So I decided to make yet another Notechart.

Song Info:

Iamerror - The Reason We Vomit is to Show How Dedicated We Are to Weight Loss.
bpm: 193
Lvl (Hard Only): 80
Loading Screen Artist: Me

Chart Video:

Special thanks to Patrick for showing me the wonderful world of Nintendo Core >:)

Download the song here:
Password: patchouliknowledge

Saturday, June 13, 2009


*Start of Post*


*End of Post*

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Tunay Na Lalake" , 'Di Tunay na Lalake?, hindi tunay na lalake.

Dahil ang Tunay na Lalake ay busy sa Babae, Alak at DotA. At hindi mag aaksaya ng panahon para mamintas ng pagkalalake.

At hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hinding hindi magsasabi ng "Hay!"

Digs? XD

Tunay Na Lalake Blog:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My ish my head shpinning?!?!?! @@

Gaaah~ The O2 Event yesterday was a complete success. Thanks to Theo, Tonton and Patrick for the liquor. LOL

WTF? The whole thing lasted about 20 hours and this is the only pic I got my hands on:

FLeft2Right: Mara, Kliff, Kyle, Me and Ralph.

I'm still waiting for Zyrus to upload the pics/videos. Gaah. I really have to get meself a camera.

This is the first time I ever came close to getting drunk. My vision was like adding 200ms latency to your Counter Strike Aim. O.O

Imma update this post when the pics come. Cheerio

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

2 New Notecharts from Teh Spider.

[SHD]Death Moon 2(Not So Clean Ver.)

WTF? As if the original pattern isn't WTF enough O.O

Basically it's a renoted version of DM2 with much more WTF Bpm changes.. Which will.. IM SURE.. Make this more harder to clear. I see some 999bpms there O.O

(EDIT: Van said there arent any 999 bpms there.. But a couple of 600's.)


This is one of my personal favorite songs. I really can't get this song outta mah empty head.. But now that I think about it.. My head's not that empty, after all. :3

Splendid notes. This notechart proves that your notechart doesnt have to reach lvl 40+ to WIN.

Both notecharts available for download @


This wont take long. I promise...


I'm so happy~nee T_T

Monday, June 8, 2009

Haberday, FRG10!!!111ONEONEONE

Happy Birthday,

Woot~ Let's greet O2Ph Hero Frg10 a Dark Happy Birthday! (Dark.. Get it? DARK! XD)
He's celebrating his 19th birthday today! Woooo~


P.S. Patrick has an unusual skill called "Camouflaging"