Wednesday, June 10, 2009

2 New Notecharts from Teh Spider.

[SHD]Death Moon 2(Not So Clean Ver.)

WTF? As if the original pattern isn't WTF enough O.O

Basically it's a renoted version of DM2 with much more WTF Bpm changes.. Which will.. IM SURE.. Make this more harder to clear. I see some 999bpms there O.O

(EDIT: Van said there arent any 999 bpms there.. But a couple of 600's.)


This is one of my personal favorite songs. I really can't get this song outta mah empty head.. But now that I think about it.. My head's not that empty, after all. :3

Splendid notes. This notechart proves that your notechart doesnt have to reach lvl 40+ to WIN.

Both notecharts available for download @